Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CARTwheels: Consistent Advocates for Relationships and Trust

School/Steering Team - CARTwheels:  
Members of the Elementary Steering Team met three times in late September and October to finalize processes for our goal of creating a mentoring program for students in need.  We decided on the name, CARTwheels (Consistent Advocates for Relationships and Trust). The goal of the program is to match community members with students that need consistent advocates to help build trusting relationships and self-esteem.  The Steering Team defined the purpose of the program, created an application for mentors along with interview questions, and brainstormed ideas for advertisement and recruitment of mentors.  We also discussed a kick-off event for mentors and mentees and began planning training for mentors.  We hope to have at least 20 mentors working with students by December.  

PBIS/Character Education Assembly (October 6, 2017)

PBIS/Character Education:
An assembly was given on October 6th in which the student council, along with teachers, aides, cafeteria workers and bus drivers, introduced our PBIS/Character Education themes for the year.  Areas of focus this year will center around the students taking their own responsibility for these themes in the cafeteria and at recess.  Students will earn stickers for demonstrating the themes, which are respect, responsibility and safety.  Stickers will be added to “goals posters” located in the hallway and the cafeteria. Deniz Cabas, school counselor, and  Amanda Sunderman, 5th grade teacher, are both leading this effort.  

eSpark After School Class has started for 2017/18

eSpark After School Class:

Targeted students have begun attending our after school eSpark Class.  Mrs. Follett is working with 4th and 5th graders, Mr. Massi and Mrs. Rowland are team teaching our 2nd and 3rd graders, and Ms. Forth is teaching our K-1 students.  Half of the time will be spent working with the individual learning path program eSpark.  This program meets the students needs at individual levels and students are able to progress as they master skills.  All students are required to demonstrate their knowledge by passing an exam and then teaching what they learned through a self-made video.  Students will work on both math and reading skills.  The other half of the time will be spent building students self-efficacy through games and lessons designed by the teachers.  Students meet twice a week for an hour after school on Mondays and Thursdays.  

Data Dashboard

Data Dashboard:
Elementary teachers met on October 20th with Jeff Hammes from the MORIC.  He has been working with us to have our dashboard up and running since last spring. The dashboard is functioning at near capacity now with most of our data inputted or extracted from SchoolTool.  Teachers can use the dashboard to gain an overall view of their student’s key educational pieces, all in one place.  The dashboard also divides students into four (4) separate tiers, based on their performance in all areas.  Weight can be adjusted to each piece of evidence (more value may be added to Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks than is assigned to attendance).  This tool will help us when making key decisions about support through RtI and other services and to monitor the overall progress of all students.